We've never been "out of the pandemic", not even for 5 minutes, and the speed with which we (including myself here) achieved the somewhat laissez-faire attitude of going about life again once we got our jabs makes the sobering reminder of the Delta variant that much more...well, sobering. No, Americans do not operate well in grey areas and it's even harder with the constant barrage of bad actors and their bad, selfish intensions muddying the water every change they get. The next 6 months will be another test of whether or not we did learn anything in the past 18 months. To live in the now, right now, is to look at that time and reflect on lessons learned while trying to predict (or at least be ready for) whatever is to come. Excellent thoughtful piece again, gents!
It might seem that "living in the now" is "not the necessity it once was" (e.g., during the endless months of lockdown). But in truth it's all we ever have. The rest is memory or speculation. Living in the knowledge that "every moment of your life is you living the life you get" is about as essential as it comes. It can be hard to think about, much less articulate, how ordeals change us. Thank you for sharing this.
Never been as grateful to be swedish than right now; we are 74% vaccinated and getting about 1% more per day. Vaccin positives 87-91% of the population, depending on who’s asking. Herd immunity is def possible, even against the delta and whatever else coming.
Yes, things went south pretty fast didn't they. Figured we were going to be able to enjoy the entire Summer with the kid, but after our trip next week out of state to a rural lake cottage, my little family will be shutting shit down on our return to NY state in early August. We will prioritize sending our kid, 8, to public school. At least we live in a part of NY where I think it is a safe assumption the school system will have a mask mandate for at least the unvaxxed, if not for all in the buildings. (Time to write a letter to the Superintendent.) From what we're reading, we figure the kid will be fully vaxxed by Q1 2022, at which point we will still mask in public until Spring. There are many states which have outlawed school mask mandates, I can't imagine! (And these same states have outlawed medical professionals from talking to the media. Great.) I get it, statistically the disease takes hold in children much less, but Delta is in quick math terms 4x the OG, and the numbers (for e.g. in UK studies re: Delta) are bearing out to effect children accordingly. We are maxed out on health conditions between the three of us, no thank you. (Of course I realize we are lucky to be able to work from home, all that stuff.) So yeah, the grey area of waiting to get the under 12 vaxxed already! My sister just texted a photo of her dog napping. "I want to be a dog." Yup. Or a cat. ; )
Aww, Miss Daisy with her face to the sun like most cats, they are determined to follow the sun. Mine would follow it up or down the stairs depending on the time of year.
I've never stopped using my mask and I'm in an area that had good vaccination numbers but now even here they're creeping up. I have little faith in humanity in general but I understand that people were anxious and tired and wanted to get out and about. I'd already said I'm not taking this mask off until I hear the US has achieved 70% or more vaccination status and that never happened and at this rate probably won't. I'm not about trying to convince anyone gently or otherwise that they should get the vaccine. I work with a guy who's said he's not getting it but he does wear a mask. There are people who have been hospitalized and still say they aren't going to get it because they don't trust the science (enjoy that six figure hospital bill). I'm also not amused by people who not only refuse to get vaccinated but have traveled from other parts of the country for vacation and brag about not taking the vaccine and don't bother wearing masks either. I want to say, keep yourself in your state if you feel that way, but that's not how it works because as Americans we feel so entitled. It's just about doing your best to take care of yourself and loved ones. Hope/pray for the best? Eh, couldn't hurt I suppose.
Totally agree with your essay. Here in Marin County, California health officials recommend everyone mask up when in indoor public settings. I haven't stopped masking since I was vaccinated in March. Love getting recipes with added notes. Take care
You make valid points. I, for one, am still masking when going into large stores (grocery, drug, etc.) or into large crowds. Many people want to believe that it's really over, Delta variant be damned, and so blithely pretend that there's nothing to worry about. I state my feeling that we can't be too careful and move on. I advocate for vaccination but don't push it. I can tell when whoever I'm talking to is receptive. Sadly, more often than not, their not receptive. So I change the subject. So far I've had no comments about my mask when I wear it. I think I'm lucky, since I recently moved to a very red part of my state, where there are still the random Trump signs in yards. As the British like to say, I keep myself to myself.
Bless you sirs for your compassion. And you are correct. Berating and yelling at the unvaccinated does little good. Your this post jibes beautiful with that Alabama article you poste don your twitter feed.
Miss Daisy is #lifegoals and #napgoals
We've never been "out of the pandemic", not even for 5 minutes, and the speed with which we (including myself here) achieved the somewhat laissez-faire attitude of going about life again once we got our jabs makes the sobering reminder of the Delta variant that much more...well, sobering. No, Americans do not operate well in grey areas and it's even harder with the constant barrage of bad actors and their bad, selfish intensions muddying the water every change they get. The next 6 months will be another test of whether or not we did learn anything in the past 18 months. To live in the now, right now, is to look at that time and reflect on lessons learned while trying to predict (or at least be ready for) whatever is to come. Excellent thoughtful piece again, gents!
It might seem that "living in the now" is "not the necessity it once was" (e.g., during the endless months of lockdown). But in truth it's all we ever have. The rest is memory or speculation. Living in the knowledge that "every moment of your life is you living the life you get" is about as essential as it comes. It can be hard to think about, much less articulate, how ordeals change us. Thank you for sharing this.
Thank you from this hausfrau for this lovely gift <3
Loving this.Especially the cat picture.
Never been as grateful to be swedish than right now; we are 74% vaccinated and getting about 1% more per day. Vaccin positives 87-91% of the population, depending on who’s asking. Herd immunity is def possible, even against the delta and whatever else coming.
Yes, things went south pretty fast didn't they. Figured we were going to be able to enjoy the entire Summer with the kid, but after our trip next week out of state to a rural lake cottage, my little family will be shutting shit down on our return to NY state in early August. We will prioritize sending our kid, 8, to public school. At least we live in a part of NY where I think it is a safe assumption the school system will have a mask mandate for at least the unvaxxed, if not for all in the buildings. (Time to write a letter to the Superintendent.) From what we're reading, we figure the kid will be fully vaxxed by Q1 2022, at which point we will still mask in public until Spring. There are many states which have outlawed school mask mandates, I can't imagine! (And these same states have outlawed medical professionals from talking to the media. Great.) I get it, statistically the disease takes hold in children much less, but Delta is in quick math terms 4x the OG, and the numbers (for e.g. in UK studies re: Delta) are bearing out to effect children accordingly. We are maxed out on health conditions between the three of us, no thank you. (Of course I realize we are lucky to be able to work from home, all that stuff.) So yeah, the grey area of waiting to get the under 12 vaxxed already! My sister just texted a photo of her dog napping. "I want to be a dog." Yup. Or a cat. ; )
Aww, Miss Daisy with her face to the sun like most cats, they are determined to follow the sun. Mine would follow it up or down the stairs depending on the time of year.
I've never stopped using my mask and I'm in an area that had good vaccination numbers but now even here they're creeping up. I have little faith in humanity in general but I understand that people were anxious and tired and wanted to get out and about. I'd already said I'm not taking this mask off until I hear the US has achieved 70% or more vaccination status and that never happened and at this rate probably won't. I'm not about trying to convince anyone gently or otherwise that they should get the vaccine. I work with a guy who's said he's not getting it but he does wear a mask. There are people who have been hospitalized and still say they aren't going to get it because they don't trust the science (enjoy that six figure hospital bill). I'm also not amused by people who not only refuse to get vaccinated but have traveled from other parts of the country for vacation and brag about not taking the vaccine and don't bother wearing masks either. I want to say, keep yourself in your state if you feel that way, but that's not how it works because as Americans we feel so entitled. It's just about doing your best to take care of yourself and loved ones. Hope/pray for the best? Eh, couldn't hurt I suppose.
Totally agree with your essay. Here in Marin County, California health officials recommend everyone mask up when in indoor public settings. I haven't stopped masking since I was vaccinated in March. Love getting recipes with added notes. Take care
You make valid points. I, for one, am still masking when going into large stores (grocery, drug, etc.) or into large crowds. Many people want to believe that it's really over, Delta variant be damned, and so blithely pretend that there's nothing to worry about. I state my feeling that we can't be too careful and move on. I advocate for vaccination but don't push it. I can tell when whoever I'm talking to is receptive. Sadly, more often than not, their not receptive. So I change the subject. So far I've had no comments about my mask when I wear it. I think I'm lucky, since I recently moved to a very red part of my state, where there are still the random Trump signs in yards. As the British like to say, I keep myself to myself.
I do love recipe recommendations with Notes!
Bless you sirs for your compassion. And you are correct. Berating and yelling at the unvaccinated does little good. Your this post jibes beautiful with that Alabama article you poste don your twitter feed.